A grafika elég jó lesz, de a karakterek mozgását még mindig nem képesek rendesen lemodellezni.
2011. február 28., hétfő
2011. február 27., vasárnap
2011. február 22., kedd
2011. február 17., csütörtök
Fallout 2161 hírek
Nagy erőkkel halad a New Vegas-os Fo1 remake, a legújabb frissítést itt tudjátok megnézni.
2011. február 16., szerda
Fallout Of Nevada hírek
"Game release date is closer, so working days are now very hot, and time for publishing news and communicate with the users is running out. But a small selection appeared on the site. We begin with some concepts and screenshots that show us a couple of "talking heads"(now 9 new heads, not counting the head of the Harold "Fallout 2 " and some new equipment. But most interesting - the first introductory video (so-called "retro-theme"). Downloading here.
The second (storyline) video is not ready yet, but sure to be made. As for timing, while the exact date is not called, but you should focus on the last week of March and first week of April. English version will be released separately, after the major release, and with an indefinite term. By the way, to release by our new designer Anton would be made a full user guide and the cover for the CD-and DVD-boxes. Excellent opportunity to have a cool disk in the collection!
The second (storyline) video is not ready yet, but sure to be made. As for timing, while the exact date is not called, but you should focus on the last week of March and first week of April. English version will be released separately, after the major release, and with an indefinite term. By the way, to release by our new designer Anton would be made a full user guide and the cover for the CD-and DVD-boxes. Excellent opportunity to have a cool disk in the collection!"
The second (storyline) video is not ready yet, but sure to be made. As for timing, while the exact date is not called, but you should focus on the last week of March and first week of April. English version will be released separately, after the major release, and with an indefinite term. By the way, to release by our new designer Anton would be made a full user guide and the cover for the CD-and DVD-boxes. Excellent opportunity to have a cool disk in the collection!
The second (storyline) video is not ready yet, but sure to be made. As for timing, while the exact date is not called, but you should focus on the last week of March and first week of April. English version will be released separately, after the major release, and with an indefinite term. By the way, to release by our new designer Anton would be made a full user guide and the cover for the CD-and DVD-boxes. Excellent opportunity to have a cool disk in the collection!"
2011. február 8., kedd
A fórumról
Mint láthattátok az utóbbi időben az oldal fóruma szünetelt, mivel kezelhetetlen mennyiségű spambot regisztrált, amiknek a kiszűrésére nem volt alkalmas a fórummotor. Pár napja a forumx-es srácok aktivizálták magukat, és frissítették a fórumokat egy jobb szűrővel, ami eddig úgy tűnik, hogy tökéletesen beválik. Sajnos a többezer kamu regisztrációt ezzel se lehet kitörölni, ezt manuálisan kell megoldani, de azok tulajdonképpen nem is ártanak semmit.
2011. február 4., péntek
Február 22-én PC-re is kijön a Dead Money!!!
Meg PS3-ra is, de ez vélhetően kevésbé érdekli a Golden Gecko Pub olvasóit.
Azt is megígérték ezen kívül, hogy a következő hónapok során 3 másik DLC is érkezik, ezúttal mindhárom platformra.
Azt is megígérték ezen kívül, hogy a következő hónapok során 3 másik DLC is érkezik, ezúttal mindhárom platformra.
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