Blackrain: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game
What is "black rain"?
A special form of atomic fallout is the black rain. When igniting a nuclear weapon everything in nearby evaporates, catches fire, ash, smoke and dust and the water vapour mix themselves with sublimated radioactive remainders of the weapon to a radioactive cloud, which cools down when ascending and finally rains down. This thick hot rain is black because of the high ash content, it is higly radioactive and acidly."
Please refer to this video to get a visual explanation of the term.
Brief description:
"Blackrain is unique and independent RPG project inspired by the Fallout game series produced by Interplay in the late 90s. Its aim is to develop a highly replayable game with a customizable plot and a unique atmosphere that would provide the player with many hours of entertainment."
The idea behind it goes back to June 2007, since then it slowly developed and now we are at the point where we would like to start implementing our concept with the help of a game engine.
Target aim:
Based on FIFE, which is licensed under GPL 2.0, the game will have the same license. This could change later though with LGPL.
As FIFE is aimed at PC with Linux, MacOS and Win, Blackrain will be playable on these platforms.
We hope that interested developers will find it exciting to work on the design and the implementation of a classic RPG. But as we're a non-profit project we can only offer the actual development experience that you'll gain and the satisfying feeling to be involved in an ambitious project as compensation.
FIFE gives already a good framework for developing isometric games, it would be a good choice for this game. Other opinions are welcome though.
It is using Python and XML and is executable on Linux, MacOS and Win.
Please refer to this short youtube video:
The ambient music is made by SpeaK. For testing purposes we took some Fallout graphics. This reveals our main problem: Graphics.
Talent needed:
3D model designers
- creating animated character models, buildings, ojects, environments etc.
2D Artists
- creating user-interfaces, converting the 2D images derived from the 3D models into sprites which would be used in game, improving them etc.
Concept Artists
- creating concepts based on the idea of Blackrain
Python Programmers
- gets in touch with the FIFE Python API:
- does all the scripting to get things running which are not implemented by FIFE
Game Designer
- Works on the gamemechanics, on the whole gameplay
- Story, Quests, Dialogs etc.
Team structure:
Akuratnik - Writing
Konflikti - Concept Art
MarkD - Writing
SpeaK - Music
¬me (me) - Project Management, testing FIFE, maintaining the webpages, etc.
Blackrain Webpage
Blackrain Wiki
Blackrain Forum
email me:
Previous Work by Team:
Unfortunately nobody on the team had the chance to gain experience by working on such a project before.
Additional Info:
Here are examples of the work of our concept artist. They should serve as inspiration for the work of the 3d and 2d artists.
Concepts of Outpost13 residents:
Concepts of the Chinese Stealth Armor:
We try to avoid the common beginner mistakes by staying open minded and listening to advices and feedback from the community."
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